Is it time to consult with an allergist?
The latest on seasonal allergies!
Our Services
Allergy & Asthma Center of Duncanville Treats Children and Adults Who Suffer From Allergy, Asthma, and Immune System Related Illness.
Patient Education
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Allergy & Asthma News

Sinus and Hay Fever
The most important aspect to understanding and treating sinus or hay fever, is becoming clear as to every aspect of what is responsible for the symptoms and problems. There are many causes including allergies, infections (chronic or recurring sinus infections), overactivity of the sinuses or mucous glands and more. Triggers might include: pollens foods animal […]

What Causes Allergies?
Many people wonder what causes their allergic symptoms and why they are worse at certain times. These symptoms occur when the body mistakenly identifies as dangerous certain things a person is allergic to and reacts to them as if they were germs or viruses. In the process, chemical substances are released from cells of the […]

What Causes Asthma?
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory airways. Genetics and environment are known to play a role in asthma, however it is not fully understood exactly how it develops. Active asthma symptoms characteristically produce spasms of the muscles (bronchial smooth muscle) around the airways, inflammation and swelling of the membranes lining the airways (bronchial mucosa), […]
Feel better, sooner.
Let our trained allergy providers help you and your family. Set an appointment with us today!